Facts & Questions

Why does it take so long to process basic review requests?

At Scamwave, we receive a high volume of basic review requests on a daily basis, which can result in longer processing times of approximately two weeks. We strive to process all requests as quickly as possible, but due to the sheer volume of requests we receive, it can take some time to get to each one.

Our team of experts conducts a thorough investigation of each website, which includes analyzing various criteria and details to provide an accurate and comprehensive review. This process can be time-consuming, but it ensures that our users are provided with the most up-to-date and accurate information about a website's credibility.

If you require a faster processing time, we offer expedited request services that are designed to provide a quicker turnaround time. We also offer VIP application services that offer the fastest result declaration, which can be done in as little as 12 hours. This service is possible due to the consolidation and cooperation of several experts who work together to provide a comprehensive and accurate review of the website.

We appreciate your patience and understanding, and we are committed to providing our users with the most reliable and thorough reviews possible.

How can I effectively search the list of scam sites?

To search the list, simply enter the website name without including the http://www protocol. It's important to note that if a website is not listed, it does not necessarily mean it is legitimate, as it may not have been checked by our team yet. If you are unsure about a website's legitimacy, we recommend sending a request for us to check it. Our team will review the website and send you the result of the review, which will help you determine whether the website is legitimate or a scam.

Alternatively, you can also use the search bar on our website to search for specific keywords related to the website or scam you are trying to identify. This can help you find relevant information and articles that may provide insights into the legitimacy of the website you are searching for.

What are the listed statuses in the list of scammers?

The statuses listed in the scammer list represent the general result of the expert review that has been carried out on the website. However, it is important to note that all websites listed on the scammer list should be avoided.

The classification of statuses is done to provide users with information about the behavior of these websites. For example, a website that operates on a Ponzi scheme may pay profits to new investors, but this does not confirm its credibility. The profits received are always less than the amount invested, and interest payments to older investors are stopped while their capital is paid as interest to new investors to deceive them into investing more. Therefore, the status of this type of website has been announced in the list as a Ponzi website.

Other statuses that may be listed in the scammer list include scam, doubtful, illegal or closed. These statuses indicate that the website has engaged in activities that are fraudulent or violate legal or ethical standards.

It is important to understand that the nature and purpose of all the listed statuses is ultimately fraud and profiteering from customers. Therefore, we recommend that you do not register or conduct business with any website listed in the scammer list. Our goal is to help you avoid scams and make informed decisions when it comes to using services on websites.

Why is it important to check the credibility of a company or website before joining and investing or shopping?

The internet business market is a highly risky market for investment due to the lack of centralized cyber surveillance. Not every website or company can be trusted, and monitoring gaps and the impossibility of following up on internet violations have provided a very suitable environment for fraudsters. Scammers can easily lure people into investing or shopping on their websites by making false promises, and once they have raised a lot of money, they can simply close the website and start a new project for another scam.

Moreover, the rise of cryptocurrencies and the lack of sufficient awareness about this new phenomenon have led to an increase in the number of fraudulent websites launched on the web. Therefore, to avoid falling into the trap of internet scammers, it is crucial to verify the authenticity and credibility of a website or company before investing, shopping, or joining.

At our platform, we specialize in investigating and checking the credibility of websites and companies. By using our services, you can make informed decisions and avoid scams and fraudulent activities.

Can I check the credibility of a website on my own?

Yes, anyone can check a website for credibility on their own, but this may be a superficial examination by non-experts. Cybercriminals can easily deceive users and gain their trust to register and buy on their website. Therefore, checking the credibility of a website requires high expertise and experience in this field.

At our platform, we specialize in investigating and checking the credibility of websites and companies. Our team of experts has the necessary expertise and experience to thoroughly examine a website and determine its credibility. We use various tools and methods to check the authenticity of a website, including analyzing the website design, content, security, and user feedback. By using our services, you can make informed decisions and avoid scams and fraudulent activities.

We strongly recommend that you do not rely solely on your own judgment when it comes to checking the credibility of a website. Instead, use our investigation and expert review to ensure that you are making informed decisions and avoiding scams and fraudulent activities.

What is the advantage of using the websites validation request service?

The main advantage of using our expert review service is to prevent potential scams and avoid falling into the trap of internet fraudsters. Our team of experts thoroughly examines websites and companies to determine their authenticity and credibility. By using our service, you can make informed decisions and avoid scams and fraudulent activities.

Using our expert review service can also save you time and money by preventing you from investing or shopping on fraudulent websites. Our team of experts has the necessary expertise and experience to thoroughly examine a website and identify any red flags or warning signs.

In addition, our expert review service can provide you with peace of mind and confidence when conducting business online. By knowing that a website has been thoroughly reviewed and deemed credible by our team of experts, you can feel secure in your transactions and reduce the risk of fraudulent activities.

Overall, using our expert review service can help you avoid potential scams and make informed decisions when it comes to investing, shopping, or conducting business online.

How does your platform check the credibility of websites?

Our platform uses a combination of expertise and experience to investigate and review websites. Our team of experts has extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of digital currencies, online commerce, and internet businesses. We know how to verify the validity of plans and promises presented on websites and can quickly identify fraudulent methods available on the internet.

We use various tools and methods to check the authenticity of a website, including analyzing the website design, content, security, and user feedback. Moreover, we regularly monitor and update our database of known scams and fraudulent websites. Our experience in checking thousands of websites during our activity has provided us with invaluable insights, which help us to quickly and easily identify fraudulent methods available on the internet.

Overall, our platform's expertise and experience in the field of digital currencies, online commerce, and internet businesses enable us to thoroughly investigate and review websites to determine their authenticity and credibility, and to help you avoid scams and fraudulent activities.

What types of websites can we submit for expert review?

Our platform checks websites that are relevant to the scope and subject matter of our website. This includes websites related to online shopping, forex brokers, initial coin offerings (ICOs), exchanges, decentralized exchanges (DEX), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), high-yield investment programs (HYIPs), cloud mining, pay-to-click (PTC), surveys, faucets, investments, wallets, trading, betting, digital payment, and other similar websites.

If you are unsure whether a website fits within our scope, you can contact us to inquire about our review services. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions and avoid scams and fraudulent activities when conducting business online.

Can we rely on positive reviews from friends and other users to determine the credibility of a website?

While positive reviews from friends and other users can be a helpful factor in determining the credibility of a website, they should not be the only factor. Scammers can use various tactics to manipulate reviews and feedback, such as paying for fake positive reviews or using bots to increase engagement on their website. Therefore, relying solely on positive reviews can be risky and may lead to falling into the trap of internet fraudsters.

To determine the credibility of a website, it is important to consider other factors such as website design, content, security, and user feedback from multiple sources. Our platform uses a combination of expertise and experience to investigate and review websites thoroughly and determine their authenticity and credibility. By using our services, you can make informed decisions and avoid scams and fraudulent activities when conducting business online.

It is also important to educate yourself on how to identify potential scams and fraudulent activities online. This includes being cautious of websites that make unrealistic promises or ask for personal information, and checking the website's security certificate to ensure it is valid. By being vigilant and taking necessary precautions, you can protect yourself from falling victim to internet fraudsters.

Can I request an expert review of a website that has already been checked?

Yes, you can request an expert review of a website that has already been checked. Scams and fraudulent websites are constantly evolving, and a one-time review may not provide ongoing protection. By subscribing to our service for regular and up-to-date reviews, you can stay informed and protect your interests.

Our team of experts regularly monitors and updates our database of known scams and fraudulent websites. If you have concerns about a website that has already been checked, or if you have new information about a website, you can submit a request for a new review. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions and avoid scams and fraudulent activities when conducting business online.

By using our platform's expert review service, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are regularly updated on the credibility of a website and can make informed decisions when investing, shopping, or conducting business online.

How reliable are customer review sites, such as Trustpilot, for determining the credibility of a business?

While customer review sites, such as Trustpilot, can provide useful insights into a business's credibility, it is important to approach them with caution and use a comprehensive approach when determining the authenticity of a business.

Most customer review sites rely on user feedback to determine the credibility of a business. While positive reviews can be a sign of a reputable business, they can also be manipulated by fraudulent businesses. For example, fraudulent businesses can create fake accounts and post positive reviews to deceive customers.

Moreover, some businesses offer incentives to customers for leaving positive reviews, which can lead to biased feedback.

In contrast, our platform's expert review service uses a combination of automated analysis and in-depth manual analysis and review to thoroughly investigate and review businesses and determine their authenticity and credibility. We analyze several factors including website design, content, security, plans, rules, claims, customers feedback from various sources, and the overall nature of the services provided to make an informed decision about the credibility of a business.

Additionally, we regularly monitor and update our database of known scams and fraudulent businesses to ensure that our review service is up-to-date and accurate. By using our expert review service, you can make informed decisions and avoid scams and fraudulent activities when conducting business online.

In conclusion, while customer review sites such as Trustpilot can provide useful insights, it is important to approach them with caution and use a comprehensive approach when determining the credibility of a business. By using our platform's expert review service, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are thoroughly informed about a business's credibility before conducting any transactions and avoid falling victim to internet fraudsters.

How and when will I be notified of the result of the expert review after submitting a request?

After submitting a request, the processing time for basic requests is approximately two weeks, depending on the volume of requests we receive. However, if you require a faster response time, we offer expedited review options. Our VIP application offers the fastest result declaration, which can be done within 12 hours.

We strive to provide accurate and thorough reviews, which can sometimes take time to complete. While we understand the importance of timely results, we also consider many factors to ensure the credibility of our reviews.

Once the review is complete, we will notify you of the result via email. Additionally, you can log in to your account on our platform to view the result of the review and any other important information related to your request.

If you have any questions or concerns about the review process or the result, our team of experts is available to provide support and answer any questions you may have.

I have been scammed, what should I do now?

If you have been scammed by an untrustworthy website, the first step is to contact the company by which you made the payment (such as PayPal, Adyen, or Ingenico) and explain the situation. Ask them to refund the amount you paid. You may also be able to get help and advice from your bank on what to do.

If you paid for the purchase using a credit card, call your bank and ask to initiate the "chargeback process" as you have been the victim of fraud. This process allows you to dispute a transaction and request a refund from the credit card issuer.

It is also important to report the scam to the appropriate authorities, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). Reporting the scam can help prevent others from becoming victims of the same fraudulent website.

Finally, consider leaving a review on https://scamwave.com/scammers/ about the website that scammed you. This can help raise awareness and prevent others from falling victim to the same scam.

Remember to always be cautious when conducting business online and to use reputable and trustworthy websites. By using our expert review service, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are thoroughly informed about a website's credibility before conducting any transactions and avoid falling victim to internet fraudsters.

Scamwave services helped me avoid scams, where can I leave a review?

We are thrilled that our expert review service was able to help you avoid scams! We appreciate your feedback and would love to hear more about your experience.

You can leave a review for us on our social media pages, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Your feedback can help us improve our services and reach more people who may need our help.

Additionally, if you would like to share your success story and inspire others to avoid scams, you can submit it to us at https://scamwave.com/submit-story. Your story may be published in the relevant section for others to see and learn from.

Thank you for choosing Scamwave, and we hope to continue to support you and others in avoiding scams and conducting safe and secure online transactions.

If ​Scamwave considers a site legit, does that mean I'm completely safe from scams?

While we strive to provide accurate and thorough reviews, declaring a website's status as legit is not a guarantee of complete safety from scams. Our review service is a guide to help you make informed decisions, but it is important to remain vigilant and practice safe online behaviors.

It is possible for companies to change their ways, go out of business, or use techniques to pretend or hide their true identities. Additionally, new scams may emerge at any time, even on legitimate websites.

Therefore, it is important to continue to be cautious and use common sense when conducting business online. Always verify the legitimacy of a website before making a purchase or entering sensitive information, such as credit card details or personal data. Use secure payment methods and avoid sharing sensitive information through unsecured channels.

If you have any doubts or concerns about a website's legitimacy or safety, our expert review service is available to help you make an informed decision. By using our platform, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have thoroughly researched a website's credibility before conducting any transactions.

What should I do if a website is flagged as a scam, Ponzi, ​doubtful, or illegal after ​Scamwave's expert review?

If a website is flagged as a scam, Ponzi, doubtful, or illegal after our expert review, we strongly recommend that you stay away from the website. Our review service provides an evaluation of websites based on various criteria and details, but the final decision is ultimately yours.

If you have already conducted business with the website and suspect that you may have been scammed or defrauded, you should take appropriate action to protect yourself. Contact the company by which you made the payment (such as PayPal or your credit card company) and explain the situation. Ask them to refund the amount you paid, and report the scam to the appropriate authorities, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).

It is also important to report the scam to Scamwave, so we can update our database and warn others about the website. You can report the website by contacting us through https://scamwave.com/report/.

Remember to always be cautious when conducting business online and to use reputable and trustworthy websites. By using our expert review service, you can make informed decisions and avoid falling victim to scams and fraudulent activities when conducting business online.

I am the owner of a website and I do not agree with the status given by ​Scamwave. How can I report this?

If you are the owner of a website and do not agree with the status given by Scamwave or if you believe that certain user reviews submitted on our website are incorrect, you can contact us to report your concerns.

We take all reports seriously and will investigate the matter thoroughly. Our team of experts will review your request and make any necessary updates to the website's status or user reviews based on our findings.

You can contact us through https://scamwave.com/contact to report your concerns. We will respond to your request as soon as possible and work with you to resolve any issues.

At Scamwave, our goal is to provide accurate and comprehensive reviews to help users make informed decisions when conducting business online. We appreciate your feedback and strive to ensure that our website reflects the most up-to-date and accurate information.

I want to report a fraudulent website to ​Scamwave. How can I do this?

We're sorry to hear that you have been scammed by a website. If you want to report the fraudulent website, you can do so by visiting our report page and filling out and submitting the relevant form. We take all reports seriously and will investigate the matter thoroughly.

You can also share your opinion on the scammers page to warn others and prevent them from falling victim to the same scam.

At Scamwave, we are committed to preventing fraud and helping users conduct safe and secure online transactions. We appreciate your help in identifying fraudulent websites and preventing others from becoming victims of internet scams.

I have a question that is not in the FAQ, what should I do? 

If you have a question that is not in the FAQ, please don't worry. You can visit our contact page and fill out our contact form with your question. Our team of experts will respond to your query as soon as possible and provide you with the information you need.

At Scamwave, we are committed to providing our users with the support and information they need to conduct safe and secure online transactions. We value your feedback and are always here to help.